Happy New Year. I’m really excited about 2017. It’s a prime number… oh, and I’m turning 30. Big year! I’ve spent the past few days thinking a lot about the year ahead and my goals for it. I don’t believe in New Year’s resolutions (because they don’t work) but I do enjoy the opportunity to review the last 365 days and plan the next.

In terms of creative focus, I’ve decided that I want to take more (and more interesting) photos. In 2014, I tried to take one photograph a day for 365 days. It started out well. I shot and posted for 52 consecutive days and then I gave up. Ultimately, it was just too much of a challenge to shoot, edit (obsessively) and post every single day.

In 2017, I’m trying something different. 52 photos, one per week, with a different theme each week. Chris Cunnington introduced me to Dogwood Photography’s 52 week challenge and I’m going to do it.

The schedule cycles through three broad areas of photography: Portrait, Landscape, Artistic. Each week there’s a different specific theme that touches on one of these topics. For example:

  • Week 1: Portrait – Self Portrait
  • Week 2: Landscape – Traditional Landscape
  • Week 3: Artistic – Red
  • Week 4: Portrait – Headshot
  • Week 5: Landscape – Black and White
  • Week 6: Artistic – Candy

If you’d like to join me, I’ve made an OmniFocus-compatible Taskpaper file, a public Google Calendar and a CSV file of the challenges.

I’ll post my photos here, on Instagram and Twitter. Keep me honest.